Materially Social Enterprise is an organization that, with its team and through its expertise, supports companies in the development and dissemination of sustainable innovation starting from materials, addressing both producers and users.
"All About Materials"
Materially, through constant research and tested synergy with the different players in the world of materials, it’s the ideal partner for the development and implementation of innovation strategies that put materials at the center.
Materially offers consulting and promotion services, analysis of the competitive context, as well as support in communication and positioning strategies. In this context, it dialogues and collaborates with multiple interlocutors, from universities, to start-ups, to companies that suggest or require solutions to be applied in their production and design processes.
New concept, new opportunities, but above all new network for one of the most consolidated events dedicated to the innovation of the materials of the design weeks of the last few years.
For this reason, Materially immediately accepted the, an initiative that in collaboration with the most important protagonists of the Milanese design scene, decided to promote a platform of virtual spaces and contents that allow companies in the sector to present the news and projects matured during this last year of work.
An opportunity that offers a quality alternative, strengthened by "excellent publishers", which Materially has proposed to its network of producers.
Materially, thanks to its expertise distilled in the mission, "All about materials", has selected and curated the area dedicated to innovation of materials.

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Materially Srl
Impresa Sociale
viale Sarca 336 Ed. 16
20126 Milano
+39 02 86891721