
Swiss Design District

The Swiss collective at Milano Design Week

A strong and constant presence during the Milano Design Weeks of the last years, which acts as a collective for Swiss companies and their iconic Swiss Design.

Swiss Design District gives voice to smaller companies quintessentially linked to their territories but with a natural vocation for innovation. At the same time, well known brands which define Swiss Design use to be part of the project.

Sharing the same venue with well established design companies often favoured the birth of interesting collaborations sometimes casually, other intentionally and some other times as provocation. The encounter of tradition with innovation is after all well acquainted in Switzerland. Witnesses are the small artisanal workshops and the big global concerns.

The Design Week offers a truly global showcase in which also Swiss companies and designers find their inspiration and from where they present some extraordinary ideas able to catch the attention of international admirers’ and experts.

The digital edition this year features especially MICRO MOBILITY a company which Italians already know and love and FABIAN BOLLIGER an emerging designer whose collection will catch the attention of an international audience.