Theatro Network
Meet, think, build.
Theatro, the hub of innovation, relationship and culture, dedicated to the project.
Theatro is a network made up of avantgarde companies operating in the world of the building envelope, design and architecture.
Its primary purpose is to promote good architecture, sustainability in constructions, design and living well-being.
It is an innovative business model, totally original in Italy and Europe, made up of more than 20 companies that have decided to team up and share their know-how.
They are very heterogeneous companies, in terms of size and turnover, which have subscribed to common intentions and a common code of ethics, and which operate coordinated by a common direction.
The integrated project management, the sharing of skills and the vocation for innovation make Theatro’s approach unique with the ultimate goal of simplifying and optimizing the design work.
Theatro coordinates companies, architects and engineers, reducing time, risks and costs in the construction phase, without dispersing resources thanks to the active collaboration since the preliminary project.
It works with the entire supply chain, from architects to customers and investors by providing solid organization and deep and versatile skills.
By analyzing the ideas and requirements of the designer, the right synergies are created with the partners within the network, to offer design support and the best construction solutions, from the building envelope to the outdoor furniture, passing through the building automation system, wellness, lighting, water treatment and interior furnishings, with a common direction.
Moreover, Theatro provides the customer and the designer with workspaces, a scenographic showroom and a vast mock-up area dedicated to experimentation, and takes care of and organizes events and cultural initiatives with protagonists capable of transmitting ideas and inspirations.

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Theatro srl
Via F. Petrarca 20
Verano Brianza (MB)
+39 0362 906058