Datemats - Knowledge & Technology Transfer of Emerging Materials & Technologies through a Design-Driven Approach

Datemats project aims to transfer and implement a unique design-led teaching method for students with a mixed background in the field of Emerging Materials and Technologies, and to boost knowledge and technology transfers from academia and research centres to industry in a designerly way, developing new guidelines and approach.

Datemats is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, within the key actions related to transnational and result-driven activities between higher education institutions and businesses, to generate innovation in teaching and learning and co-creation of knowledge.

The project aims to create a unique design teaching and learning method in the field of emerging materials and technologies and to boost knowledge transfer from academia to companies in a designerly way.

Datemats intends to co-creates many outputs: teaching methods and training guidelines, methodology and framework, training workshops addressed to managers and companies, entrepreneurship workshops addressed to start-up related to emerging materials and technologies.

The initiative focuses on four emerging materials and technologies areas (ICS: WEARABLES EM&Ts, ADVANCED GROWING EM&Ts, NANOMATERIALS EM&Ts, WOOD-BASED EM&Ts). Design and engineering students of the universities involved in the project and interested in one of these areas, and companies (producers, manufacturers, end-users, startups etc.) that operate in these fields can be involved in several activities aimed to transfer new knowledge and methodologies to learn to detect and exploit the potentials of emerging materials and technologies gaining new skills, methods, expertise, competitiveness.

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28 Monday
29 Tuesday
30 Wednesday
1 Thursday
2 Friday
3 Saturday
4 Sunday
5 Monday
6 Tuesday
09:00 - 13:00
Workshop - Workshop dedicated to companies on emerging materials and technologies
Pre-registration required
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7 Wednesday
8 Thursday
9 Friday
10 Saturday