A marble flower with a light soul

Presentation of Intreccio
Paolo Ulian
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Selected by KbWindow


With the ethereal shape of a corolla but the solidity of marble, Intreccio, the freestanding sink by antoniolupi plays on the relationship between lightness of line and solidity of material, and balance between a sophisticated object and an apparently natural shape. 

The result is a super-light marble sink, weighing only 55kg, whose three-dimensional structure emerges from the overlapping of concentric layers obtained from a single block of marble of only 11cm. This gives rise to an extraordinary play of chiaroscuro, of positive and negative spaces obtained solely through the variation of light on concave and convex shapes. 

Intreccio represents the natural evolution of the path undertaken by antoniolupi and Paolo Ulian to investigate the relationship between ancient materials and new processing techniques. For the realization of Intreccio, numerical control processing technologies were used to obtain thin curvilinear shapes, as light as if made of another material and not marble. 

The rings that make up the sink are concentric and obtained from cutting each from the inside of the next from the same block of marble, an expedient that has allowed a dramatic reduction of cutting waste, achieving one of the main results sought by a company always attentive to saving resources and materials. Lightness, technology and material frugality create a high-impact object: an element around which to create an elegant and contemporary bathroom composition.

A sink whose originality has been recognized both for its aesthetic expressiveness and for its production processes, Intreccio has been selected by the permanent observatory of design of ADI, the Association for Industrial Design, for publication on the ADI Design Index 2019 in the "products" section.

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Selected by Kbwindow

Kbwindow.it, the new digital platform dedicated to the world of bathroom and kitchen, selects for fuorisalone.it the new products from the best bathroom companies
