When the city is trasformed from the bottom up

Crowdfunding campaigns and festival initiatives are postponed as a consequence of the Covid-19 containment measures and will be rescheduled as soon as possible.

Bottom Up! is the new Torino Festival of Architecture created by the Society of Architects and the Fondazione per l’Architettura / Torino. The goal is to spread knowledge about contemporary architecture and encourage practices of urban transformation from the bottom, with ideas springing forth from the community and materializing through crowdfunding actions.

Bottom Up! is an urban experiment with the direct involvement of communities. Private citizens, schools, artists, collectives, committees, associations, companies and designers can nominate a proposal and participate in the call expiring January 16, 2020.

Starting from February, the authors of the selected projects will be offered a training course focused on urban regeneration, storytelling, crowdfunding and the social media: four key tools to make their concepts materialize.

The selected projects become the backbone of the Bottom Up! Festival which will support them all along the process and communicate their progress step by step. The festival mission is to nurture successful projects, therefore a successful festival will guarantee the projects success.

The crowdfunding campaigns launched on April 1 will continue through the festival from 1 to 10 May 2020. The first seven days focused on the festival themes will feature seven evenings in seven different places in the city to tell the story of the transformations taking place. The last three days are dedicated to the selected projects. Starting from the first of the final three days (May 8th), Bottom Up!! places will be opened to the public and activated by the proposing teams with previews, unveiling, telling and sharing of the meanings of the proposed transformation. The second day (May 9) will be devoted to the stories of people who have developed similar practices. Finally, during the last day, the projects of Bottom Up!! will become the absolute protagonists of a major final public event, which will close the crowdfunding campaigns and reveal which projects have received the greatest interest.

Go to the call announcement page! >

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The festival programme

L’emergenza sanitaria spinge Bottom Up! non solo a spostare le iniziative su più prudenti canali digitali, ma anche a ridefinire i propri obiettivi facendosi osservatorio e laboratorio di idee sul futuro dopo la fine del lockdown.
Le campagne di crowdfunding che i gruppi stanno elaborando per sostenere economicamente i 14 progetti selezionati – precedentemente programmati per aprile 2020 -, si spostano a settembre con il lancio del 10 settembre 2020 ore 18.00 presso la Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. Nella primavera si ritaglia quindi più tempo per un ripensamento delle proposte e più spazio alle iniziative online primaverili, un’occasione per riflettere sulle questioni del festival anche in prospettiva di uno scenario post-Covid. Gli spazi creati per ospitare questo tipo di approfondimento sono la rubrica settimanale Bottom Up! LIVE sulla pagina Facebook @bottomuptorino e il gruppo Facebook Bottom Up! VOCI.
E se con l’emergenza sanitaria programma, date e format si ridefiniscono, l’obiettivo resta invece ben chiaro: mantenere viva l’opportunità di una riflessione condivisa sulle trasformazioni del territorio e sulle comunità bottom up, così come originariamente previsto.


Fundraising events

Gli eventi di raccolta fondi organizzati dai progetti per promuovere le loro campagne, in programma dal 10 settembre al 3 novembre e nella cornice di Torino Design of the City:

  • Da giovedì 17 a sabato 26 settembre 2020
    “10×10 la festa per i 10 anni della Casa del Quartiere” per il progetto Stiamo Freschi 10×10
    Via Oddino Morgari 14, Torino
    Iscriviti all’evento Facebook
  • Sabato 19 settembre 2020 ore 18.00-22.00
    “Passata/e in Barriera!”
    con Ruota di Scarto e SPIGA forno sociale
    Orto urbano di Agribarriera di via Petrella 28
    Iscriviti all’evento Facebook e scarica la locandina
  • Venerdì 2 ottobre 2020 ore 19.30-23.00
    “Cena sociale a km0 con prodotti dell’orto” di SPIGA forno sociale
    Bagni Pubblici di via Agliè, via Agliè 9, Torino
    Iscriviti all’evento Facebook
  • Sabato 3 ottobre 2010 ore 16.30
    Agrobarriera Poetry Slam
    di SPIGA forno sociale
    Agrobarriera, Via Petrella 28, Torino
    Iscriviti all’evento Facebook
  • Sabato 3 ottobre 2020 ore 19.30
    “Concerto del flautista Peter-Lukas Graf”
    di Corti.Lì
    Chiesa Santa Pelagia, via S. Massimo, 21
    Iscriviti all’evento Facebook e scarica la locandina
  • Venerdì 9 ottobre ore 17.30
    “Cortile Mondo guarda la città”
    con Maurizio Cilli e Marco Giusta
    Scuola Marc Chagall, via Cecchi 2, Torino:
    Scarica la locandina e conferma la tua presenza a cortilemondo@gmail.com
  • Sabato 10 ottobre 2020 ore 20.00
    “Gran Galà di Miraorti” cena ortolana con abiti da sera e scarpe da orto come dress-code
    Strada Castello di Mirafiori 40, Torino
    Iscriviti all’evento Facebook



Maurizio Cilli and Stefano Mirti are the two curators who will be working alongside the festival steering team. Their proposal was selected among 67 others through a call published in July 2019.

Here are their short profiles:

Maurizio Cilli

Architect, artist and curator of public art, in 1993 he was among the founders of the Turin collective Città Svelata and is currently engaged in projects aimed at enhancing the quality of public space. From 2010 to 2016 he collaborated as a researcher and designer with the Giulio Einaudi Foundation. In 2012 and 2013 he worked as tutor advisor for Design Master dissertations at Domus Academy in Milan. He teaches and trains in various workshops on design culture and living.
Maurizio Cilli
Stefano Mirti
Designer, teacher, partner of IdLab. Since many years he has engaged on the new frontiers of teaching: Design 101, Relational Design, and many other projects. He was social media manager at Expo Milano 2015 for two years. Since September 2017, director of the High School of Applied Art at Castello Sforzesco in Milan. From July 2019, president of the Fondazione Milano.
Stefano Mirti