Brand Monocabin

A livable design object

Mandalaki Design Studio is taking their vision of design one step further.

The concept of Monocabin created by Mandalaki team is a revisitation of the foundation of a simple getaway into a larger project: a small design revolution for prefab houses. A space where design is used as a service to residents to make their home meaningful and a source of well-being.

Sustainable Architecture

Monocabin protects and enhance the environment through integrated approaches from resources, materials and building process into a smart home. Moreover, Monocabin incorporates the surrounding nature bymaking vegetation a simple and effective way to provide sustainable beauty and improve the quality of life through its architecture to improve the quality of life.

Living outside as inside

The proposal is a space where walls and windows are only the interface between the outside and the inside offering the choice to be protected from the outside or to be directly connected with the outside. The feeling of being inside, as the outside breezes in. Accentuating the sensation of living in nature by blurring indoor and outdoor space in a unique way to experience falling a sleep with the night light and waking up with the blue sky to focus on what is important – nature.

Designed and Made in Italy

Our goal is simple: to be able to place Monocabin in any locations of the world. To achieve this vision, the design focuses on the expertise and know-how of our dedicated team in Italy. Each Prefab models is working with height adjustable system which allows the not use any foundation and possesses validate earthquake and hurricanes certifications with materials superiority guaranteed 30 years.

Single delivery process
Monocabin production time is only 3 months. Shipping time in Europe is about 20 days of transportation by land, sea or air with 7 days needed for the installation. For US, Asia and Australia, it is 10 days more to be added on each steps.

Via Pizzi 24 20141 Milano
