Designers Federica Sala

After having spent several years as assistant curator in the design department of the Center Pompidou she moved back in Italy an independent curator for private and public institutions as the Centre Cultural Français in Milan, Fabrica and the agency H+ ass project manger for Enel Contemporanea project at Macro Museum in Rome. From 2010 to 2019 she co-founded and co-directed the agency of design consultancy PS • design consultants. She curated for three years curated the Object section, dedicated to design galleries, for miart, from 2015 to 2017 she was the curator of the 5VIE district, presenting some important exhibitions such as Exercises in seating by Max Lamb, Herringbones by Raw Edges, and Foyer Gorani. She just ended the four-year project Italian Villages created by Airbnb for site specific artist’s residences. In 2018 she curated, with Patricia Urquiola, the exhibition ACastiglioni at Triennale di Milano (October 2018-January 2019) and the related catalogue, published by Electa. From 2017 to 2019 she has been in the jury of PAD Prize Paris and since 2016 she’s in the living commission for ADI, from 2020 with role of vice coordinator. She is the curator of Life In Vogue, a project by Condé Nast Italia (2018, 2019). She is the art advisor for the Cassina Perspective in Art project launched in 2019 and on going. 

Viale Lazio 5, 20135 Milan, Italy

Nation: Italy
Birth date: 18/01/1975
(50 years old)
+39 348 5304588
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