Designers Seonkeung Park
Seonkeung Park(b.1964) who is carrying on a fourth generation family business is dedicated to knot crafts that cross between traditional and contemporary style. Her knot crafts rung with jade and jewelries evoke glamorous and antique ambiance. Thread and strings become gorgeous crafts after passing her fingertips. Knot craft, also known as “the artwork of patience” for its repetitive handwork involved, require blistering perseverance and labor in the making process of twisting and braiding finely dyed silk threads one by one to give various forms and shapes. From the norigae (Korean traditional ornament) worn with hanbok(Korean traditional dress) and decorative hanging youso (tassel for window screens) to necklaces and brooches with a modern spin, Park practices the traditional knot tying techniques in her contemporary craftwork.
Seoul / Korea