Designers Matteo D'Errico

Matteo D'Errico is a twenty-four-year-old Product Designer, born in Busto Arsizio in the Province of Varese.

The first approach to design dates back to 2013, the year in which he began his path of Communication Design at the Liceo Artistico Paolo Candiani in his hometown.

After graduation, he studied Product Design in Politecnico di Milano, where he learned the method of metadesign research - design, strengthned his skills related to graphics software, 3D modeling and rendering and realized several projects in the field dealing with different companies in the sector, including the company Marchigiana Rainbow srl.

The degree is followed by several professional experiences in the field of sustainable toys as a designer for the multinational company Hape srl and in the educational field, as a Design teacher at ICS School Milan.

Nation: Italy